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Rob|Arch 2012 Gallery posted!

Dear Rob|Arch2012 participants, authors, co-chairs and sponsors,

We hope that you had relaxing holidays and a good start into the New Year!
Rob|Arch 2012 was a great success and we thank you for your positive feedback and the good wishes for the future events. From what we have heard, Rob|Arch not only provided great inspiration, but also lead to quite a few new collaborations and projects within the community.
We have uploaded nearly 15mins of workshop videos at Vimeo and 360 photos both on Facebook and the conference homepage.
The video submissions and presentations will follow soon – we are still post-processing the huge data volume.
We would like to thank for their support, our photographers Eugen, Raimund and Marko for a good documentation, and all people involved in the conference workshops for their hard work.

Finally, we want to introduce the new ROBARCH list, inspired by lists such as ECAADE and CAADRIA, which are of great use to the community. The new ROBARCH list will link together architects, artists, designers, and engineers involved in robotic fabrication and promote new events, posts interesting job openings etc. The first official ROBARCH eMail will go out soon, please let us know if you have anything to announce!

Have fun with the first part of the online RobArch2012 documentation and thank you all for having been part of RobArch2012!

With kind regards from Vienna!
Sigrid & Johannes

Robots in Architecture is on the road again with workshops in:
January 17-19 Istanbul, Turkey
January 21-24 Trier, Germany
April 25-28 Master I Architettura I Digitale I Iuav, Venice, Italy
July 1-5 CAADFUTURES, Tongji University, Shanghai China
Summer 2013: Robots in Architecture goes Down Under in Australia

RobArch2014 Sponsors