Sponsor Workshops

On Tuesday, May 13th, Rob|Arch 2014 will offer free pre-workshops dealing with skill-building in specific aspects of robotic fabrication via software tutorials at the University of Michigan.

The pre-workshops are open only to registered workshop participants. Upon registering for a workshop you will be emailed further instructions regarding the pre-workshops. Please note that all pre-workshops take place at the same time, so you will have to choose just one!

Individuals that have registered for workshops prior to April 17th will be contacted shortly by the conference chairs with the pre-workshop information.

Please visit our travel details page for information on transportation and accommodations.

Association for Robots in Architecture
KUKA|prc – parametric robot control for Grasshopper

KUKA|prc (parametric robot control) was designed as an accessible interface that links parametric design with KUKA robots. In this 1-day pre-workshop, participants will be introduced to the concepts of production immanent design, manufacturing parametric designs, and controlling a KUKA robot from within Grasshopper. We will explore ways how to intuitively define complex fabrication processes via graphical programming.

University of Michigan
Pre-workshop Presenters:
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann, Association for Robots in Architecture

Daniel Piker

Kangaroo is a Live Physics engine for interactive simulation, optimization and form-finding directly within Grasshopper.

University of Michigan
Pre-workshop Presenters:
Daniel Piker